Sunday, July 20, 2008

The Truth about Michigan !

Coming from the sheltered bubble in Provo Utah, we have run into a plethora of new thoughts and ideas since moving to Michigan two months ago. So for all you who are preparing a sixth-grade report on the Wolverine State or who are thinking “I wonder what Michigan is like!” Here is a little information not found on the Wikipedia website.

  • When you catch two people staring intently at one of their hands they may or may not be fortune telling gypsies. The right hand turned palm up makes for a perfect map of the state and can be used in a pinch for giving directions.
  • American made CARS are alive and well and not just to be found rusting in high school parking lots.
  • The term “township” did not die off with the Salem Witch Trials, but is still in use as a valid word. (We just can’t figure out what it means)
  • Who knew there was more than one political party?
  • A cottage is not just a medieval dwelling place, but rather the term Michiganians use for their summer homes Up North.
  • Up North is not a direction but a location.
  • Squirrels are nothing to get excited about unless they can talk or do the Macarena.
  • Fishing and Ice Hockey are socially acceptable sports.
  • Road signs are not meant to be a helpful tool for inexperienced travelers, but a way for the automotive and oil companies to make you use more gas and buy more cars.
  • Not all Great lakes must contain salt.
  • A social life previously dependent on CafĂ© Rio and RedBox does not stand a chance in the great state of Michigan as neither exist. (We are working through the stages of withdrawal)
  • Gangs do not divide themselves into Bloods and Crypts but Fords, GMs, and Chryslers.
  • Public transportation is only a fading memory.
  • Rather than constructing turn lanes and using blinking green arrows, the Michiganians opted for a brilliant system of u-turns and mass confusion.


  1. YOU LOOK GREAT! I've been thinking about you. Also...I love the post about Michigan, very astute observations. I CRAVE Cafe Rio and I have a great copy-cat recipe for their green ranch salad dressing and a similar chicken salad. It's not the same as the real thing but helps tame the craving.

  2. Loved the post! Very funny. Except I don't know if you've been told, but the correct term for someone from Michigan is a "Michigander". Doesn't that add to our unique-ness??

    You are looking great, though I know you don't want to hear that. Good luck...maybe this is the week??

  3. Too, funny, Rachel! I'm with you on the turn right to turn left mass confusion. Between that and my stunted sense of direction, I'm often driving in circles. . .

  4. I love all those things about Michigan. Especially that I always have a map "handy!" However, I do take exception to being said to sound like Canadians. Michiganders have a distinct mid-western accent that is nothing like a Canadian accent. Comparing Michiganders to Canadians is not viewed as positive by Michiganders. Just an FYI!
