Friday, July 25, 2008

No baby....yet

I don’t know why I always feel like I have to wait to post something until I have a picture to go with it. And with how “attractive” I am looking right now, the camera is not my friend. Well, I have consigned myself to an overdue baby and in a way that fate seems easier to deal with than the constant disappointment of another babyless day. I guess all the early dilation and contractions got me excited, but alas here I am…..still.

By way of more encouraging news, Tim is not getting the sack, at least not this time. His department at Ford announced that they have finished making cuts and so we are in the clear. Whew! I was not looking forward to a new baby + unemployment. I also just finished hanging up the last of our pictures in our apartment. I don’t think I will be able to move anytime soon with that feat fresh on my mind.

Also of note, I am getting very excited for my mom to come visit. She is flying in August 2nd (which is really only a week away ...crazy!) I hope our bundle of joy makes an earlier appearance if not for us, than for her grandma. I can’t wait to have someone around to talk to and hand out with. Plus, she happens to be one of the best cooks on the face of the earth. I hope she will have a good time despite the probability that I will be less than an entertaining host and more than likely be completely useless. Hopefully our little girl will be adequate entertainment. J


  1. I apologize in advance that this isn't very encouraging. When I was pregnant, I remember reading that a "due date" is really just the middle of a four-week period when the baby will probably come. Makes you even more frustrated to think that you're technically not overdue yet....

    But don't worry, it will happen soon, I promise. And I'm sure your mom will be thrilled to visit, and take care of you, Tim and baby...she won't be looking for a host!

    I know scrubbing your floor on your hands and knees doesn't sound appealing, but it might do the trick to get those contractions to stay.... Hang in there!

  2. Keep on keeping on, Rach! You never need a picture to post.. it's great to get an update either way! I am SO glad your mom is coming-- not because you will NEED the help, but just to have someone to talk to. Adjusting to being a mom is a BIG deal and it will be great to bond with your mom.

    And don't be frustrated with her late (or on time) arrival. They are lots easier to take care of inside the tummy than out!

    Love you and miss you!

  3. Rachel,I am sorry. It is miserable to be so pregnant in the middle of the summer and feel like all you can do it wait. I remember last spring just before Aaron was born thinking how I felt so big and vulnerable. I felt like it was never going to end. I also remember a month or two later when one day I was going up the stairs and had this great feeling when I realized that it was easy! It was no longer a workout to climb one flight of stairs. :)
    We're rooting for you over here!
