Thursday, July 31, 2008

Kennedy Sharlan Clawson

Kennedy Sharlan Clawson was born Wednesday July 30 at 3:09 pm. She was 7 pounds 12 ounces and 20 inches long.

All of those that doubted Tim could ever do anything of worth were proved wrong yesterday. While he did not do much besides standing next to the bed and he did almost pass out when the baby decided to come out, he was still a part of this.

Rachel and I can edit this when we get the chance. For now I am just going to post pictures.

FYI, these are all of our baby.

Monday, July 28, 2008

Happy Due Date Day!

Well today is the big day that according to sources (and the baby) apparently doesn't mean much. I think it should be renamed "Sometime Around Here Day" or "Total Guess Day" or something like that. Well I have decided not to worry about what day it is and just plow on. Tim and I had a good weekend and got a lot done around the house. We started sanding down some furniture to re-stain for the baby's room. And I got some material to make curtains for her room. I think she might be holding out until we finish all projects in her room before she arrives. I will sew quickly.
I also gave Tim a haircut, for the first time ever. I think it went pretty well especially after only watching the free video that came with the clippers that modeled only 80's cuts. Tim has refused to pose for a picture displaying my handy work; however, so it may not be as good as I thought.
I have started the swelling stage of my pregnancy and my feet are now puffy and cute. I feel like my ankles may explode. I guess I should count myself as lucky however that I am only dealing with this now rather than the whole time. Here is a lovely picture for your viewing pleasure.
All in all I am feeling pretty good and am optimistic that someday, maybe not to far away, I will have a baby.

Friday, July 25, 2008

No baby....yet

I don’t know why I always feel like I have to wait to post something until I have a picture to go with it. And with how “attractive” I am looking right now, the camera is not my friend. Well, I have consigned myself to an overdue baby and in a way that fate seems easier to deal with than the constant disappointment of another babyless day. I guess all the early dilation and contractions got me excited, but alas here I am…..still.

By way of more encouraging news, Tim is not getting the sack, at least not this time. His department at Ford announced that they have finished making cuts and so we are in the clear. Whew! I was not looking forward to a new baby + unemployment. I also just finished hanging up the last of our pictures in our apartment. I don’t think I will be able to move anytime soon with that feat fresh on my mind.

Also of note, I am getting very excited for my mom to come visit. She is flying in August 2nd (which is really only a week away ...crazy!) I hope our bundle of joy makes an earlier appearance if not for us, than for her grandma. I can’t wait to have someone around to talk to and hand out with. Plus, she happens to be one of the best cooks on the face of the earth. I hope she will have a good time despite the probability that I will be less than an entertaining host and more than likely be completely useless. Hopefully our little girl will be adequate entertainment. J

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Menu Calender

Well, I didn't have a baby today (so far at least) but I did finish a really cool project. While I am definitely not one to scrapbook or make cards, I am pretty proud of my paper creation. I have always had a hard time deciding what to make for dinner. I tried writing out a menu, but things come up and I end up switching everything around and getting frustrated. So I got the idea from a lady in my ward to make this menu calender with slots for each day. You write down all your favorite meals on tabs. Each month you put the different meal tabs in each day and so you have an idea of what you are making that week/ month. If you change your mind it is really easy to switch days and look ahead. I also put colored dots in the corners of the tab for quick and easy meals and also for Mexican, Italian, and chicken dishes so I don't have the same thing in a row. I am excited to try it out and see how it works. It was fun to make and got my mind off of being huge and prego (at least for a while).

Sunday, July 20, 2008

She's gonna blow!

Due to the recent requests for proof of my enlarged state, here I am in all my 39-week glory. According to the reliable information I get from my weekly pregnancy emails, the baby is now the size of a "mini watermelon". I don't know about you, but all the watermelons I have run into are anything but mini. It certainly feels like nothing mini is invading my internal cavities. Tim is keeping me pretty comfortable, but one more run in with the Michigan humidity might just do me in. Today Tim and I invented the Labor Games which consisted of him rolling yatzee dice and telling me to do crazy actions that may or may not induce labor (or give me a hernia) Either way I am glad their was no video footage. If you wake up to pee in the middle of the night or hit your belly on a doorway, think of me!

The Truth about Michigan !

Coming from the sheltered bubble in Provo Utah, we have run into a plethora of new thoughts and ideas since moving to Michigan two months ago. So for all you who are preparing a sixth-grade report on the Wolverine State or who are thinking “I wonder what Michigan is like!” Here is a little information not found on the Wikipedia website.

  • When you catch two people staring intently at one of their hands they may or may not be fortune telling gypsies. The right hand turned palm up makes for a perfect map of the state and can be used in a pinch for giving directions.
  • American made CARS are alive and well and not just to be found rusting in high school parking lots.
  • The term “township” did not die off with the Salem Witch Trials, but is still in use as a valid word. (We just can’t figure out what it means)
  • Who knew there was more than one political party?
  • A cottage is not just a medieval dwelling place, but rather the term Michiganians use for their summer homes Up North.
  • Up North is not a direction but a location.
  • Squirrels are nothing to get excited about unless they can talk or do the Macarena.
  • Fishing and Ice Hockey are socially acceptable sports.
  • Road signs are not meant to be a helpful tool for inexperienced travelers, but a way for the automotive and oil companies to make you use more gas and buy more cars.
  • Not all Great lakes must contain salt.
  • A social life previously dependent on CafĂ© Rio and RedBox does not stand a chance in the great state of Michigan as neither exist. (We are working through the stages of withdrawal)
  • Gangs do not divide themselves into Bloods and Crypts but Fords, GMs, and Chryslers.
  • Public transportation is only a fading memory.
  • Rather than constructing turn lanes and using blinking green arrows, the Michiganians opted for a brilliant system of u-turns and mass confusion.

Friday, July 18, 2008

Blogging is for Boys

The baby is not cooperating enough to let Rachel blog, so I thought I would take a shot at it. It has been a little while since The Distant Clawsons have updated for their scores of followers. We couldn't bear to start losing readers so I will have to step up to the plate.

Here I stand, a man nearly a quarter of a century old and I have yet to share my life with the world. This will change today. Now, don't get your hopes up. I don't plan on writing anything important or even trying very hard. An important theme in my life is: "Never try, never fail!" While I am aware that one cannot fail at blogging, I won't try very hard.

I have recently ventured into the American Automotive Industry where failure is imminent. I find it quite comforting. I could not pass up the chance of joining a company that has made a habit of losing billions of dollars each year--how much can they really expect out of me with numbers like that? Ford has been great for me and my family!

Until next time, Tim.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Why my husband is the greatest!

This past week has been pretty rough. I have officially reached the "huge and uncomfortable" stage of my pregnancy. I feel too tired and sore to do anything, so I have mostly been sitting around feeling sorry for myself. I just don't know how I would make it without my superman husband Tim. He wakes up early every morning while I sleep in 'till 9. He goes to work all day at a job that hasn't been easy and he stands the chance to lose at a moments notice. I know he is stressed, but as soon as he walks in the door he is worried about me. He helps or takes over the dinner prep. He tells me to sit an relax while he cleans even though I have been sitting and relaxing all day. He never gets mad at me for watching 4 episodes of House when there is so much to be done around the apartment. Last Monday he surprised me with a bouquet of flowers. There was no special occasion, he just knew I was having a hard time. I tell you this guy is gold. No girl could find a better guy and I am so grateful for him and all his love and support.

Friday, July 11, 2008

Clawson Vacation Pictures

Since my computer takes forever to download pics I am really liking this photoscape thing. And because I am a slacker and haven't posted about our vacation with Dave and Katie, I decided I would at least post some pictures. Sorry for the lack of commentary on the pics.

4th of July

This being my first 4th of July in another part of the country, it was pretty cool to celebrate even if it lacked the familiar family feel. We started off the day with the Plymouth Parade which I though was great fun. They are definitely not as into floats or royalty as they were back in Utah, but boy could they put together fife and drum corps. I think I saw 5 or 6 at least all in period costume. It's cool to think that people from this state were involved in the Revolutionary war and Civil War. Poor Utah lacks a little bit of that history.
Tim's favorite part was the briefcase drill team (a group of local business men who do a little marching routine with briefcases; hilarious) and the giant monster car that spit fire. They baby and I thought the car was a little too loud for our tastes, but it was pretty cool.
After the parade, we went to the ward pancake breakfast. I don't know what it is about eating other people's pancakes, but they were so good! It was great to hang out with our friends in the ward too so we didn't feel like total loners on the 4th.
After the all important 4th of July nap, we headed off to the Downtown Plymouth Concert with a bucket of KFC and the largest soft drink I have ever seen. (I have been craving KFC mashed potatoes forever) The concert was awesome, they played old rock hits, and the weather was perfect. I hear Utah hit 100 degree so I was glad for my cool 80's. After the show we headed home. I don't think the Michiganese are very into fireworks and we couldn't find a show to go watch so we went to bed early. All in all it was the perfect 4th, but I did miss the family a lot.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Rouge Factory Tour

Here we are at the Rouge Factory to see how the F150 is made. Tim had a great time sharing his many fun Ford facts. It is really quite amazing what they can do there. Andrew was great to watch because he was so excited by all the cars and machines. I enjoyed it too, but forgot to eat very well that morning and blacked out during the tour. How embarrassing!

No Motivation

I feel pretty guilty for not posting about our amazing trip to Canada, our 4th of July, and the many other adventures we've had since my last post, but I frankly have no motivation. I have decided to blame this on my pregnancy since it extends far beyond blogging from everything from showering to laundry. I keep reading in these pregnancy books about the burst of adrenaline right at the end due to a "nesting instinct." Perhaps I skipped this step or wore myself out moving and setting up house here in Michigan. What ever the case, I am beat. Maybe tomorrow the energy fairy will visit me and I will get caught up on everything. In the meantime, please refer to Katie's awesome blog for pics from our Canada trip.