Friday, May 7, 2010

Home Project: Day 4

This will probably a quick post as I am super tired and have a lot to get done today. Yesterday was very productive one for team Clawson. We completed a marathon shopping spree at Lowes. As predicted, we used four carts (one regular cart, two flat push carts, and one wood cart) and spent just over four hours in the store. I would like to give a special thanks to Alise at the check out stand for her patience and speed.
We are now the proud owners of several tons of tile and tiling supplies, 6 plus gallons of paint and primer, a neat pile of molding and trim, various tools and supplies, and a troy built 21" push lawn mower. Whew! I still can't believe we got it all home in one trip. Thanks again to the Jensens for car swapping for the day. That explorer can fit everything. I would also like to thank the Howards for watching Kennedy for "a few hours" that turned into just about all night. I don't know how we would have gotten anything done with the runt scurrying around while we tried to shop.
After we got out loot back to the homestead and unloaded it, I was suppose to come home and sleep. But there was always just one more thing to do and I ended up putting Kennedy to sleep upstairs and prepping sub floor with Tim until midnight.
We had our first experience with mortar as we needed to fill in the gap between the top layer of sub floor and the walls. We kinda winged it with the mixing as we didn't have a beater attachment for the drill yet, but I think our goop looked the same as the demo at out tiling class last week. I stayed and worked with Tim until I finally listened to my tired body and left my super human to finish the rest. The poor man came home around 2 am. He really is amazing!
Well I think that was about all from yesterday. Tonight we lay the backer board. We are planning our first sleep over at the new house. (p.s. we got the refrigerator water situation under control and can now turn the water back on for the house. Yeah!) We figured if we are up till 1 am anyways we might as well crash over there. This means that I probably won't get a post up on Saturday as we will push right on to tiling and may not get back to our apartment (and computer) until late. Go Clawsons!

Tim and our tile

Filling in the gap


  1. Glad to hear you got the water situation figured out. I'm impressed you survived your Lowes trip. I'm so indecisive. Try not to wear yourself out too much. You need your sleep. Keep up the good work. You'll be ready to move in before you know it.

  2. This is Ryan here... I just wanted to congratulate you on your shopping trip and I wanted to place another slap of graditude on that cashiers plate for ringing up 4 shopping carts full of stuff. I now know how she feels.

    Keep up the great work

  3. Wow!!! Good job on your decision making skills! Way to go TIM!!! You really are a superhuman! That's why you're family!

  4. This is so exciting to watch everything come together. Keep it up :)

  5. "I got gaps; she got gaps. Together we fill gaps, I don't know. "
