Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Water Baby

I can't believe how grown up my little girl is! She has started to crawl, makes lots of new sounds, and has enough hair for a little ponytail on top. I can't handle it. Apparently, Kennedy has noticed her own maturity as well and decided that it is time to drink like the big people do. We can't take a drink in her presence without sharing or she goes throws a baby fit. We usually give in because
a) it's hard to resist a cute baby fit; and b)watching her try to drink from a glass is hilarious. Enjoy!


  1. That's pretty funny! She's so cute. When are you guys coming to visit again?

  2. I love it! It's so cute how she reaches for it after you've pulled it away!

  3. how funny! Callie does the same thing!

  4. Rachel-

    Just be glad she doesn't eat ice like Tim does, yet. She won't be near as cute if Tim ever teaches her.

