Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Sing-a-long with Little K !

At Sacrament Meeting this past Sunday, as we opened up the hymn book for the opening song, Kennedy grabbed the book, looking from it to us and then back again. When we started singing she chimed right in with her own harmony of hoots and wales. She wasn't quiet about it either. A few heads turned to see who was making the noise, but Kennedy was not deterred. She sang every song and even joined in when she heard the organ start up while we were out in the hall. For FHE last night we ended up singing about 6 songs just to hear her going at it. What a crazy kid!


  1. Oh my gosh, that is so cute! I love it; as I'm sure everyone at church did too :)

  2. oh man, she even bounces while singing, it is perfect. Well done K

  3. K can sing like and angel. Put her in the choir.

  4. That is so cute! I miss you guys so much! Keep posting I sure appreciate it so much!
