Monday, August 18, 2008

Kennedy to visit Utah!

Yes that's right, we are coming to Utah! (Kennedy and me that is, apparently Tim has a job he must keep or something -bummer) We found a great deal on a flight and in a fit of madness just went ahead and booked it! We will be flying out the 22nd of October on the same flight my sister Kayla is returning home on after her visit to Michigan. I am so excited to see all my family and introduce Kennedy to everyone. It will be great to have this trip to look forward to in the tiring days (and nights) to come. I am a little nervous to be away from Tim for so long and I feel bad to leave him behind, but at least he will be able to go to Utah for Christmas. Hopefully Kennedy will be well behaved for the trip and can get her days and nights straightened out. We have a few months to work on it. Let the countdown begin!!!


  1. Rachel I think I need to make my paper chain count down tonight!! That was a good life decision. Oh man the reality of my aunthood will soon hit.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Thank you Tim for sharing your wife and baby with us. I know it's no fun being separated. I'm very excited to hold my first granddaughter, baby Kennedy. Tim, from all reports you are a wonderful husband and father. Thank you!

  4. We need to plan a 396 roommate reunion while you are in town! Wow, I am a half aunt, once removed on the roommate's left side. I never thought the day would come, but I love it!

  5. Congrats on baby Kennedy. She is a cutie!

  6. So cute! I can't get over how small she is....though Scotty was the exact same size a year ago--how fast they grow! yikes!

    maybe we'll plan a 201st ward party for you two when you're down here...

  7. I am SURE your siblings are so thrilled.. of course, the Clawson's can't wait to meet her either, but what's #25 anyway?

    No, really, she is a beauty and we can't wait to hold her! I am sure Tim will survive without his girls!

  8. I'm really excited to come down to see Tim you and Kennedy! The leaves are going to be changing, it'll be so beautiful. I even have 2 remote control cars i'm bringing. SO tell Tim we're going to have a monster truck rally. Straight from Ryan's fingers- "I am so fabulously excited to see yall in the great snow state. You three are the coolest Clawsons in Michigan. I love you sooooooooo much, now back to K-babe" - Type to you soon. Probably talk to you sooner!

  9. I will plan the little get together. It will be awesome! Also, you get back to Utah on my birthday- Happy birthday to me! I was also curious- how long will you be here, and what does tim do for a job that is so precarious?

  10. How exciting to discover that you have a blog! Kennedy is so cute and I'm really glad you get to show her off to your family here! I will send you an invite to our blog.
