Well, she is home and cuter than ever. I am realizing that I could get very carried away with posting after all the exciting things Kennedy has done so far. We brought her home Friday afternoon and with only a minor battle getting her into her car seat.

She was awesome her first night and has really picked up on this nursing thing. On Saturday Kennedy had her first bath and as you can see from the pictures she wasn't too happy about hygiene.

Nice and clean she was ready to meet grandma who arrived late Saturday night. Realizing that back up had arrived, Kennedy decided to go crazy all night long with a multiplicity of dirty diapers, crying, and the like. Grandma came to the rescue and I did manage a few hours of sleep.

On Sunday, we decided Kennedy was ready for a fashion shoot and we took 157 pictures (insane, I know). Unlike most models however, this little star likes to eat and fussed through the shoot demanding to be fed. Here are some of the many pictures we took.