Thursday, March 26, 2009

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Little Drummer Girl

I don't know why I bother with cute, colorful baby toys. Give Kennedy some pots and chopsticks and she is good for hours. I love that she even has rock star hair in these pics.

In the Army Now!

Now several weeks into the "crawling phase", we have decided that Kennedy is ready to join our brave military forces (at least on any low crawling missions through baby proofed terrain) It is so funny how she pulls herself along with her arms, when she knows how to use her legs. When she is on a slippery surface like tile or wood floors she gets up on all fours, but on carpet it's back the army crawl. Silly baby! Either way, she sure can move. My favorite activity is walking from one end of our apartment to another watching her "talk" and crawl after me. She makes the funniest noises while crawling.

Sippy Cup

For those of you who enjoyed "Kennedy and the Cup", we proudly present "Kennedy and the Sippy Cup: The Saga Continues"! This past week she finally got the hang of using a sippy cup. I think her shirts appreciate the change. (and her mom who got to wash all those wet shirts :-)

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Sing-a-long with Little K !

At Sacrament Meeting this past Sunday, as we opened up the hymn book for the opening song, Kennedy grabbed the book, looking from it to us and then back again. When we started singing she chimed right in with her own harmony of hoots and wales. She wasn't quiet about it either. A few heads turned to see who was making the noise, but Kennedy was not deterred. She sang every song and even joined in when she heard the organ start up while we were out in the hall. For FHE last night we ended up singing about 6 songs just to hear her going at it. What a crazy kid!

Thursday, March 12, 2009


They say a picture is worth a thousand words and since Kennedy can't talk yet they come in extra handy. Here are a few pictures I took of Kennedy last night when she was supposed to be going to bed. *sigh*


"Please take my picture!"

"Who me?" or "I'm way to cute to sleep"(Note the two pigtails on top)

Fine Dining

Tuesday night Tim volunteered to feed Kennedy her dinner. 15 minutes later 25% of the oats had found their way into Kennedy's mouth while the remaining 75% covered the high chair, floor, and face of our little monster. At that point there was really nothing to do but let her play, so we thought we'd at least capture the moment for posterity.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Creepy Crawler

Here is some footage of Kennedy learning to crawl. Even though I only took it last week, it is already out of date. Kennedy is a regular speed demon now and I am bracing myself (and the house) for her adventures. She has already developed a keen eye for the potato bug that somehow find their way into our house. They curl up on the edge of the carpet and the wall. Kennedy spots them and crawls over to investigate. Of course her form of investigation always seems to involve her mouth. She sure keeps me on her toes.
So, its hard to see if she's moving forward in the video, but she has definitely got it down now.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Walking on Water

This past Saturday, we experienced a virtual heat wave here in Michigan when the temperatures reached a staggering 35 degrees. Yes folks, that is indeed above freezing. Not daring to waste such a beautiful day, we ventured outside for a pleasant walk. We are fortunate to have such a lovely lake just behind our house, so we wandered down the path to see if the lake had melted yet. After throwing a few rocks and watching the ice sustain some large geese wandering over it, we decided this was our chance to venture out onto a frozen lake. We took turns walking out on the lake while the other one waited on shore with Kennedy and our phone poised to call 911 in case the other plunged into the frozen water. We sure know how to live on the edge! Needless to say the ice held and we lived to tell the tale. Here are some pics from our amazing adventure.

Laundry Helper

Laundry (or at least folding it) is probably one of my least favorite tasks. However, Kennedy doesn't seem to mind it one bit. She loves to roll around in the fresh-from-the-dryer piles of clothes and chew on socks and shirts before I can snatch them away. This week I tried several methods of keeping her out of the clothes such as putting her in the basket or covering her with the hamper. She had a blast trying to escape from "Laundry Prison". Babies can be so fun.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Water Baby

I can't believe how grown up my little girl is! She has started to crawl, makes lots of new sounds, and has enough hair for a little ponytail on top. I can't handle it. Apparently, Kennedy has noticed her own maturity as well and decided that it is time to drink like the big people do. We can't take a drink in her presence without sharing or she goes throws a baby fit. We usually give in because
a) it's hard to resist a cute baby fit; and b)watching her try to drink from a glass is hilarious. Enjoy!