Due to my recent adventures in the parenting world, I have turned often to my copy of What To Expect: The First Year. However, I find the authors have left out a few bits of critical information.
Such as:
- You can expect to lose your mind. You will zone out in the middle of conversations, scripture study, and anytime you are on your way to get something, causing you to stand in the kitchen with a dumb look on your face not knowing why you are there.
-You can expect to feel stupid when you can't remember the words to any lullabies in the middle of the night and end up singing cheesy Disney love songs instead.
-You can expect to be very productive one day(productive meaning you got dressed before noon and made dinner) and be back to your sleep deprived zombie state the next.
-You can expect to HATE mirrors or reflective windows or any other shiny surface.
-You can expect to feel like a cow (both in shape and purpose)
-You can expect to find your self standing around rocking back and forth hours after you put the baby in her crib.
-You can expect strangers to come up to you no matter where you are and touch your baby.
-You can expect your arms to ache after holding your baby because she cries as soon as you set her down.
-You can expect to get excited about poop and cheer when your baby finally produces the right kind of yellow colored substance.
So if I have discovered this many critical detail my dear book failed to warn me of, I can't help but ask what else can I expect???????