It is hard to believe that Kennedy is almost a year old. It just blows my mind how big she's getting. She already has such a fun personality and I can't wait to get to know her better.
Last Sunday, we did an activity with the YW where I gave out these sweet shades. I couldn't resist trying them on Kennedy and trying to snap a picture during the 3 seconds they stayed on her face. She's a fast draw that kid!

Either Kennedy has the whole rock star hair going on or her dad tried to fix her hair? I'm afraid it is the later. Here we see the obvious difference when Dad does Kennedy's hair as opposed to Mom. I will never be a hair stylist, but after seeing Tim's various hairdoos I think Kennedy is lucky to have me.

Daddy's spiky wave-do

Mommy's pigtail specialty
what a cutie. Lucy was sitting on my lap while we watched the video of her walking, Lucy has been saying, "kennedy," all morning.