Saturday, June 27, 2009
Plymouth Concert

Pool Party!

Super Star!
Last Sunday, we did an activity with the YW where I gave out these sweet shades. I couldn't resist trying them on Kennedy and trying to snap a picture during the 3 seconds they stayed on her face. She's a fast draw that kid!

One Small Step for Kennedy...
Sunday, June 7, 2009
Suprise Trip to Utah!
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Daddy's Girl
Madame Librarian

Memorial Day Campout!

I know I should really post my Utah trip before I move on, but the pictures are piling up. For the Memorial Day weekend, we went on our 1st Clawson Family campout! It was such a blast. We went to Crooked Lake in the Pinkney Rec Area (about 15 min northwest of Ann Arbor). We set of Friday after Tim got home from work. We hit some traffic and even managed to get rear-ended in our new car. (some people have all the luck) However, our spirits were not to be deterred and we pushed on to our final destination. The lake was cute and the weather PERFECT! I made Dutch oven ribs, Parmesan herb rolls, and baked potatoes. I think my favorite part about camping may be the food. That and watching Kennedy get covered in dirt as she chases bugs around the campsite. We just let her get as dirty as she wanted to. p.s. How do you remove dirt stains?
Anyway, we had a big fire and went on a few hikes. Kennedy loved all the wildlife, especially the birds. All in all it was the most relaxing campout I have ever enjoyed. Thanks to my hubby Tim for his easy going nature and adventurous spirit. I can't wait for our next trip!