So my computer is finally up and working so I decide to start posting again with a few pictures from our Christmas trip to Utah and Tim's b-day.
Here is Kennedy on Christmas morning enjoying the delights of her stocking. She was such a riot with her Santa hat on. Man, what did we ever do without her?

Here is Kennedy with Brandon and Kellie's boy Bennett . They were so cute together. This pic reminds me of an old married couple.

Here is Kennedy with her dad at the Clawson's house. She looks like Cindy-loo-who to me from the Grinch. What a crazy kid.

Her is Kennedy as the snow queen. We wanted to play in the snow and so Jared made Kennedy a snow throne to relax on while her crazy parents played a rousing game of fox and geese.

This is a picture from Tim's birthday party. He wanted cafe rio pork so I decided to surprise him with a whole Mexico/ beach themed night. It was fun to break out the swim towels when it is below freezing outside.
That picture of her with the little boy is so cute! Did they pose that way themselves or did you put his arm around her like that and lean her into him? I love it!