So I know I have a lot of catching up to do, so prepare for a plethora of posts. I only hope Kennedy will cooperate and stay asleep long enough for my slow computer to upload all the adorable pictures of her.
Here are the pictures from my amazing little sister Kayla's visit out to Michigan. She is such a awesome sister (and the only sibling to visit us out here in MI...hmmm) She earned all the money for the trip by herself and made her first plane trip alone just to see her favorite sister (ok, ok it was probably mainly to see her cute niece)
We had a blast hanging out at home, talking a million pictures of Kennedy, and going on walks down to Newburgh Lake.

We also walked around downtown Plymouth (one of my favorite things about this area).
When we were lucky enough to snag the car from Tim we ventured out on more adventurous outings such as the Automotive Hall of Fame. (If you can get past the cheesy movie at the beginning this was actually a pretty cool museum)

We also drove out to Lake Michigan to get our first look at the Great Lakes. Great is right, and we had a awesome time playing in the sand, walking around the cute port city, and cooking dutch oven steak and potatoes on the shore.

Tim and Kayla were even crazy enough to wade out into the lake (in October!!!) Needless to say the both got their pants all wet and Kennedy and I laughed at them from the comfort of our nice warm clothes.

Kayla also came with us to our ward's Halloween party. They had lots of fun games and trunk-0r- treating, none of which Kennedy fully appreciated, but we sure enjoyed. Tim was a tennis/ raquetball player (no one was quite sure which) Kayla was a Chinese girl, and Kennedy and I were a Lion and a Lamb.

No trip to Michigan in October would be complete without a trip to a cider mill so we headed out in the pouring rain to the Northville cider mill for some authentic cider and cider slush. So yummy!!!!

We are so glad that Kayla came out to visit us and expect many more loving family members to stop by as well.
...Oh and special thanks to Kayla for babysitting Kennedy so Tim and I could go on a date. You rock my socks off!!
I had so much fun! You know id you ever want to go on a date again just fly her up here!