Friday, June 11, 2010

Moving Date!

So I think we're too the point we can commit to a moving date. We were thinking about Saturday the 19th, but there is a lot going on with the ward party and Canton's city festival. We thought about postponing it another week, but my doctor's visit today convinced me that the sooner the better. I am already dilated and the baby has dropped. (Not that that guarantees an early delivery, I could still go past my due date for all I know) Anyhow, I would much rather not have a baby while my possessions are in transit so Friday June 18th it is! A wonderful friend in the ward has a moving van he lets people borrow for moves so we should be able to get all of the big stuff in one trip. Next week we will start taking stuff over each night so there wont be as much to do on Friday. I have already had several friends volunteer to help clean and watch Kennedy. We are so blessed to have such an amazing ward family!
Now we just need to get the finishing touches done to our projects this weekend. Go team Clawson!


  1. How exciting you guys! I can't wait to see all the finished product pictures but take your time I know you have plenty to keep you busy!

  2. Yay!! I'm looking forward to the before/after pics.
