Abby's birthday was on July 10th and Kennedy's was on July 30th. We decided just to party all of July! It was a lot of fun, but I don't need to eat another cupcake for a long time.

Abby's Birthday Breakfast. (Cinnamon Roll)

Kennedy with her cinnamon roll and matching candles. We couldn't let Abby have a birthday without Kennedy insisting it was hers too!

Abby's Birthday Cupcake. I spelled out A-B-C with cupcakes for Abigail Beverly Clawson. We failed to take a picture of the whole cake, but Abby sure thought it tasted good!

With Ryan in town for the week, we decided to have little party for both girls birthdays. I really wanted to make pirate treasure cupcakes so a pirate party it was. Argg! Here are the pirates (and parrot) ready to start on a treasure hunt.

Uncle Ryan made us a sweet treasure map that Kennedy had fun following. The map was pretty authentic with burned edges and dirt smudges. Way to go Ryan!

Kennedy loved finding the little treasure boxes as she followed the clues on the map. Each box had pirate jewelry. You can see she is already sporting three rings in this picture. Note: The parrot costume was left over from Halloween two years ago. When we all got into our pirate costumes for the party Kennedy got real excited and disappeared only to re-emerge as a parrot. She must have remembered parrots go with pirates. Clever girl!

Kennedy the pirate parrot digging for buried treasure in our sand box. We had fun burying all the presents in a tupperware. It was clear and Kennedy got real enthusiastic when she saw what was in the box.

Pirate Treasure Cupcakes. Abby kept trying to grab the candles.

Random left over firework show. It was a party. Why not?

After the pirate party we pitched our tent in the backyard and had a fun sleep over. It was probably cooler in the tent than the house.

Kennedy's birthday eve party with the Dunnigans. We just couldn't stop celebrating.

Abby eating ice cream with Brother Dunnigan.

Kennedy and Shannon.

Kennedy's sweet wooden shoes the Dunnigans got her in Holland, MI. She loves to clomp around the house in them.

More cupcakes! These are gluten free lollipop flower cupcakes. Super yummy!

We celebrated Kennedy's actually birthday with the Howard up at Highland State Park. It was Brenum's birthday too! Ava wanted to blow out a candle as well. Why not? Candles for everyone!

Enjoying the lake in the hot sun.

Kennedy trying to catch a fish.

The birthday girl roasting starbusts over the fire. It doesn't get much better than that. Happy Birthday Kennedy!